Spaghetti of minced chicken and shimeji mushroom with soy sauce taste

<Basic information>
・Serving size:1 person
・Preparation time:25 minutes
100g spaghetti
100g halal certified minced chicken
1/4 onion
1/4 package shimaji mushroom
1/2 clove garlic
Proper amount of olive oil
2 small spoon soy sauce
4 pieces of green perilla


1. Chop garlic into fine pieces, remove the butt end of shimeji mushroom and flake shimeji mushroom. Cut green perilla into strips. Boil pasta at the same time.

2. Heat olive oil in a fry pan and cook garlic.

3. When garlic smells, put minced chicken and cook like drops. When the color changes, put shimeji mushroom and cook furthermore.

4. Add boiled pasta, pull soy sauce circurly and spread the taste for a whole.

5. Put them on a place, add green perilla and ready to serve.


<Cooking point>
Since the taste of minced chicken is light, we add garlic and green perilla for the accent. Please adjust in checking the taste as you like.


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