Sweet sour sauteed chicken

<Basic information>
・Serving size:1 person
・Preparation time:25 minutes
2 pieces halal cerified chicken (chicken thigh)
1/2 green onion

1 big spoon soy sauce
1 big spoon beet sugar
2/3 big spoon rice vinegar
2/3 big spoon halal certified tomato ketchup

*A big spoon: 15cc/15g
1. Put a notch in thick part of chicken, average the thickness, flour salt and leave for 10 minutes. Cut green onion into strips and make them fine strips onion.

2. Put a skin side of chicken in a heated fry pan. Cook on medium heat until the skin got crispy.

3. Turn back when cooked the skin side, cover it and cook on medium heat for approx 5 minutes more.

4. Remove from a fry pan when completed to cook on meat, heat and put ingredients of sauce and mix them.

5. Put bite size pieces of chicken on a place, add 4.sauce and strips onions from the top and ready to serve.
<Cooking point>
It is delicious to use chili sauce instead of sweet vinegar.


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