How to choose Dashi (Japanese broth)

Dashi (Japanese broth) that contains many ingredients of taste is basis of Japanese food, Japanese use it in many Japanese food, like miso soup, food boiled and seasoned, the soup, rice cooked etc.


Especially, Japanese use broth of sea tangle that contains many “glutamic acid” that is taste component, broth of smoked and dried bonito that contains many “inosinic acid”, and mix broth of sea tangle and broth of dried bonito to make Dashi (Japanese broth).

In addition to these ingredients, Japanese use many Dashi that is made from vegetation and fish, like shiitake mushrooms, dried small sardines, flying fish and etc.


You can get dashi by boiling ingredients but to take it more easily, you can use pack of dashi or powdery dashi, you can get good quality of dashi, too. So, please check it.

Particularly, for a family that includes small children, we suggest using “natural additive-free dashi” in your cooking and avoiding chemical seasoning to bring up children’s of the sense of taste and to make healthy body.


And for Muslim, let avoid using additions that includes powdery soy sauce or raw materials that you don’t know.

Moreover, Dashi that made from sea tangles, shiitake mushrooms and vegetables, not only for Muslim but also for vegetarians can eat it.


Featured additive-free Dashi (No HALAL certification)


【Free shipping (only domestic)】【salt unused】Just 1000 yen, additive-free and domestic natural Dashi pack with special prize (10g×25pack)



Smoked sardines, dried small sardines, dried Urume sardines, dried bonito, sea tangles and shiitake mushrooms (all materials are domestic.)

(Information given as of November 2015)

*Disuse seasoning (salt, soy sauce and etc.), food additive, chemical seasoning and preservative.


【Additive-free dashi pack】Happy dashi by Mirakuya (containing 30 packs) dashi pack including flying fish


Sea tangles, bonitos, baked fling fish, short-neck clams, scallops, sardines and shiitake mushrooms (all materials are domestic.)

(Information given as of November 2015)

*Disuse seasoning (salt, soy sauce and etc.), food additive, chemical seasoning and preservative

【メール便専用】自家製・無添加かつお節屋さんの美味しいだしパック 微粉末タイプ
Dried mackerels, dried sardines, shaving of dried bonitos, dried Muro horse mackerels, dried Urume sardines, sea tangles and shiitake mushrooms(Information given as of November 2015)

*Disuse seasoning (salt, soy sauce and etc.), food additive, chemical seasoning and preservative

Ingredients:Baked flying fish (flying fish from Nagasaki prefecture), dried small sardine (from Nagasaki prefecture), dried bonito (from Kagoshima prefecture) and sea tangle (from Hokkaido prefecture)(Information given as of November 2015)

*Disuse seasoning (salt, soy sauce and etc.), food additive, chemical seasoning and preservative.

料亭仕込み 天然だしの素パック 8g×50袋[ケンコーコム かね七 かね七]

Ingredients:Dried bonito (domestic), dried small sardine (domestic), sea tangle (domestic), shiitake mushroom (from china) and horse mackerel (domestic)

(Information given as of November 2015)

*Disuse seasoning (salt, soy sauce and etc.), food additive, chemical seasoning and preservative.

【送料無料】椎茸専門店の国産しいたけ粉末100gササッと料理に振りかけて料理などに使うと本格極上の風味と栄養が味わえる本物の原木無農薬栽培シイタケを使用した逸品!【椎茸 粉末 国産 九州産 無添加 パウダー】

Ingredients:Made from natural tree shiitake (from Kyusyu region)
(Information given as of November 2015)

*Disuse seasoning (salt, soy sauce and etc.), food additive, chemical seasoning and preservative.

マエカワ だし屋が造った無添加白だし しあわせ 300ml【楽天24】【あす楽対応】[マエカワ 白だし]
Maekawa additive-free white dashi made by store specializing Dashi (Japanese broth) Shiawase (300ml)
Ingredients:Ingredients of flavor (dried sardine, dried flying fish, sea tangle and shiitake mushroom), salt and sugar(Information given as of November 2015)
鰹節を極める♪焼津産鰹節の削り節3種セット 3種類の削り方(花かつお、帯けずり、厚削り)の削り節/鰹節レビューを書けば「北海道天然利尻昆布』のおまけつき


Dried bonito (from Yaizu city)

(Information given as of November 2015)

★メール便で送料無料★ 羅臼産 切出しこんぶ☆155g 香り高い旨み 富山県民がこよなく愛する昆布の王様 究極の出しをご家庭で♪ 昆布水にも最適  昆布/送料無料/羅臼/メール便/出し/02P07Nov15


Sea tangle from Rausu city in Hakkaido prefecture

(Information given as of November 2015)

★ポイント祭!通常1,140円が90円OFF!今だけ\送料無料1,050円!/北海道・道南産真昆布*たっぷり<200gだし用昆布>メール便でのお届け。出汁用 昆布 だし 出汁 だし昆布 出汁昆布 出し昆布加熱用昆布 真昆布 うどんつゆ まこんぶ 海と太陽【RCP】


Domestic sea tangles (from Hokkido and southern part of Hokkaido)

(Information given as of November 2015)



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