How to choose ingredients of confection


Anko is used in Japanese traditional sweets. Raw materials of Anko are azuki beans sugar and salt. You can made it at home, and you can also get it at a supermarket. When you buy ready-made goods, let choose simple Anko that don’t include additives.

Featured Anko (No HALAL certification)

【送料無料】【1000円ポッキリ】老舗あんこ屋の味「試してみてセット」 お一人様一回限り!≪あんこ 餡子 アンコ≫選べるあんこの福袋


Sugar (granulated sugar), Azuki beans, green bean and agar ※ It depends on sort of Anko

(Information given as of November 2015)

Check out recipes using Azuki beans and Anko >>



Kurimitsu is one of the indispensable ingredient in Japanese sweets, like Anmitsu (this is rice cake with Kuromitsu), Warabi cake (this is made from Wrabi powder, and it is like a rice cake), Kuzu cake (this is made from Kuzu powder, and it is like a rice cake).

Ingredients are brown sugar, starch syrup, sugar and so on. And you can use this as substitution of sugar for foods.


Featured Kuromitsu (No HALAL certification)



Brown sugar (from Okinawa prefecture)

(Information given as of November 2015)

黒みつ 250g[ケンコーコム 山城屋 黒蜜]


Brown sugar, Tama sugar (this is a kind of brown sugar with minerals), starch syrup and sugar.

(Information given as of November 2015)



Kanten is agar. Raw material is seaweed, like agar, so it’s healthy food.

Muslim people can’t eat gelatin, so when you make sweets, you can substitute Kanten or agar for gelatin.


Featured Kanten (No HALAL certification)



Seaweed (the origin seaweed of Kanten)

(Information given as of November 2015)

Check out recipes using Kanten >>



Agar is gelling agent and refined from seaweeds. It is clearer than Kanten and become solid at normal temperature.

Muslim people can’t eat gelatin, so when you make sweets, you can substitute Kanten or agar for gelatin.


Featured Agar (No HALAL certification)

パールアガー8 1kg / 凝固剤 冷菓 ゼリー 寒天 プリン 製菓材料


Ingredient of food (glucose), locust bean gum, carrageenan and potassium dihydrogen phosphate

(Information given as of November 2015)



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