Pot au feu

<Basic information>
・Serving information:1 person
・Preparation time:30 minutes


1/8 cabbage
1/4 carrot
1/4 onion
1/2 potato
Proper amount of celery
Proper amount of broccoli

1/4 alishan vegetable bouillon
1 halal cerified chicken sausage
Black pepper


1. Cut vegetable ingredients into bigger pieces.

2. Put oil in a pan and put all vegetables. Cook lightly.

3. Put water to cover vegetables.

4. Once boiled, put vegetable bouillon, sausage and laurier.

5. Flour salt, black pepper and parsley in serving.


<Cooking point>
You can cook to use remained vegetables in a refrigerator. Please change ingredients as you like.

You can not use normal sausages. Please buy halal certified chicken sausage at the halal good shop.


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