Sweet potato salad

<Basic Information>

– Servings:2 people
– Cooking time: 10 minutes


1/2 Sweet potato
1 egg
1 tablespoon Unsalted mixed nuts
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 tsp Honey
1 teaspoon Plain yogurt
1 pinch of coarse salt


1. Remove the skin of potato, then slice about 1cm into circles. Remove the pores exposed and squeeze to remove excess water. Boil the egg and keep aside.
2. place the potato into a baking dish and microwave it for 5 minutes
3. When the sweet potato becomes soft, put all the rest of the ingredients and mix while crushing the sweet potato.


<Point of cooking>

We are using a microwave oven to shorten cooking time, but if you have time it is better to steam the sweet potatoes so it will be softer to crush.
If you don’t like you can have this salad without eggs and nuts .

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