Kimpira-gobou (Chopped burdock cooked in beet sugar and soy sauce)

<Basic information>

Serving size: 1 person
Preparation time: 25 minutes




1/4 Burdock
1/4 Carrot
1/2 Big spoon Soy sauce
1/2 Big spoon Beet sugar
1 Small spoon Sesame oil
Suitable amount Sesame



1.Wash burdock and carrot to remove soil.

2.Cut diagonally burdock into 5mm slices and steep it to remove the bitter. Cut carrot into slice thinly.

3.Add sesame oil to a pan, heat up it over a medium flame and add burdock and carrot in the pan. Add beet sugar and stir fly it after mix roughly the vegetables and sesame oil.

4.After 3 smells sweet like a camel, add soy sauce in the pan and stir fly it until lose water.

5.Dish up 4 into a plate and sprinkle sesame frome above. Finish!


<Cooking point>

I incorporated the idea of macrobiotic into this plate as using peel of vegetables.
Burdock contain many insoluble dietary fiber, so you can prevent and improve constipation.

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