Lemon chicken serving with komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach)

<Basic information>
・Serving size:1 person
・Preparation time:15 minutes

1/2 halal certified chicken thigh
1/4 bunch komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach)

1/2 big spoon soy sauce
1/2 big spoon honey
1/2 fresh lemon juice

Pinch of salt and pepper
Proper amount of wheat flour
Proper amount of butter

*A big spoon: 15cc

1. Cut chicken into bite size, and add salt and pepper, and dust wheat flour.
Mix soy sauce, honey and fresh lemon juice in advance.

2. Wash komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach) by water and cut into 3-4cm width pieces.

3. Put salad oil into a pan and fry komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach) on strong heat. Season with salt and pepper and put them on a plate.

4. Wipe water on a pan, melt butter on medium heat again and bake chicken both sides until brown.

5. Wipe extra oil, place mixed sauce on chicken and ready to serve.

<Cooking point>
Even if you just have a few time, you can cook promptly.
Not to burn wheat flour, please keep your eyes on heat.

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